Ok, in case you didn't notice I am a Michael Jackson fanatic......hint......he is EVERYWHERE on this BLOG! Anyways, on the first anniversary of his death I went to Gary to their celebration of his life. It was a nice affair and now that I am typing this blog I am realizing that I did not share with you any pictures from my first trip to Michael's home town last summer. Soooo, I figure I will dig through some stuff and share those with you as well. Back to this years trip to Gary. Katherine Jackson, Michael's mother, was in Gary to unveil the monument that Gary has put up at the Jackson's old home on their front lawn. A couple of celebrities such as Judge Greg Mathis and Eddie Griffin attended the event as well. They also had some local talent there to perform. I personally was really excited to see Mrs. Jackson in person. Michael was an extraordinary person and I figure the person who gave birth to him couldn't be any less than that as well. I took a couple of pictures...well more than a couple but only a couple came out well. I got one of Mrs. Jackson, but unfortunately it was one of the pictures that didn't come out to well. I got like the top of her head. I still cherish that picture though. I mean it's the tip of Michael Jackson's mother's head! But, it's going to stay in my personal collection. I will also post the pics I mentioned earlier that I took a year ago that shows the love Gary has for MJ..... Enjoy!
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