So you read correctly. I went to the Musiq Soulchild concert this summer! (Hate on me all you want) Musiq Soulchild came to the Country Club Hills Theater and if you haven't been to that venue you really need to go there next summer. It is an outdoor theater in Country Club Hills, which is a suburb of Chicago. The theater is fairly small which makes it great! You can see from anywhere because you are so close to the performer. There are regular seats as well as lawn seats. And the ticket prices are very affordable compared to how ticket prices have been running lately. Anyway, back to Musiq. This was my first time seeing him perform and I just have to say I wasn't disappointed at all. Musiq's voice is equivalent to the cd recording, which ,lets face it, is a rarity. I had such a great time. I sang the whole concert because I have all of his albums. To me Musiq is a gem. He makes genuinely good music and I just don't hear that on the radio anymore. Nowadays, you basically get brainwashed into liking a song because radio plays it so much! It gets sickening sometimes. Sorry, just had to get that off my chest. So here are some pics I took. I got some really good ones too! I want to post some of the video that I took, but I'm scared that is like copyright stuff and I'll get in trouble, so for now just enjoy the pics.
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